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  • يونيو 16, 2022

İnsanlık tarihinin en kutlu yürüyüşü, Ramazan ayının 27. gecesi Peygamber ...

UAM Basın Açıklaması

24 Mayıs 2022



CUS Press Releases

For Immediate Release

May 24, 2022


It all started on a Ramadan day.
By Abdullah Oğuz

The holiest march in hum...


On January 2, 1986, Associated Press (AP) announced that 2,000 Uygh...

As confirmed at the Islamabad Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting,...

مركز حقوق الطبع والنشر لدراسة الأويغور - جميع الحقوق محفوظة

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